Take a Friend Fishing

The Gift of Fishing is best shared with friends and family.

Here are some ideas and creative tips to inspire you to invite a friend fishing this summer. Whether it is a neighbor, colleague, daughter or grandchild, we want to make this easy for you. Offer advice on how to make the experience more enjoyable and memorable and provide helpful tips to help them catch fish. By introducing or reintroducing someone to fishing, you’re helping to grow and expand the fishing community.

Fun Things

to make your invitation more enticing

Helpful tips

Fun Things to Consider When Planning to Take a Friend Fishing

  • Pack the cooler with fun drinks like sparkling water and juices.
  • Get creative with your snacks. Make a “snackle box” with individual servings of snacks, such as candy, nuts, fruit or beef jerky.
  • Bring plenty of water and electrolytes for hot days on the water.
  • Look for free fishing days, events and demonstrations to get friends excited about going fishing.
  • Visit your local tackle shop to get up-to-date conditions, a lay of the land and ideas for planning a fun fishing adventure.
  • Pack a small bag of emergency first-aid items such as:
    • Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen
    • Bandages
    • Sunscreen
    • Towel
    • Blanket
    • Flashlight
    • Baby Wipes or roll of paper towels for easy clean up
    • Trash bag
  • Visit takemefishing.org/places-to-boat-and-fish/ to find places to fish nearby

Videos to Share

Stories of Mentors: Fishing for the Future



Stories of Anglers: Finding Your Zen



Stories of Anglers: Chastenation



Printable tip Sheet

Your Guide to Taking a Friend Fishing


Get a fishing License

One of the most important items any angler needs before they go fishing is their fishing license – a purchase that helps protect, preserve and enhance the sport of fishing today and for generations to come.

Click on a state to find out everything you need to know about fishing licenses.

Helpful Links