About the Sportfishing Summit

The American Sportfishing Association’s (ASA) annual business meeting – the Sportfishing Summit – underscores our desire to bring together the association’s members along with others from the sportfishing community to provide a productive meeting that is timely, useful and a good business investment.

Along with the general business sessions, all those in attendance are encouraged to attend the board of directors and committee meetings to gain a better understanding of how ASA’s staff and your industry colleagues work on your behalf.

The breakfasts, lunches, hospitality suite and evening receptions offer informal ways to get to know your colleagues and grow our industry’s “spirt of community.”

Since 1933, the association held board of directors, leadership and member meetings where the core business of the organization was discussed, and future actions decided.

Breaking nearly 70 years of tradition, in 2002 the annual business meeting was revamped and given a new name – the Sportfishing Summit.

The impetus behind the name change was to transform the annual business meeting into a more meaningful and productive venue for big-picture and long-term thinking, inviting our wide community of partners to participate as well.

We know that attending the Summit is an investment of your time and resources. However, it’s one of the best investments you can make in your business and our industry.

October 15-18, 2024 in Catamaran Resort Hotel in San Diego, California

2021 Gallery Images

About the Venue

The 2024 Sportfishing Summit will be held at the Catamaran Resort Hotel in San Diego, California

Catamaran Resort Hotel
3999 Mission Blvd
San Diego, CA 92109
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Sponsor the Summit

Demonstrate your commitment and support of the entire sportfishing industry by sponsoring the 2024 Sportfishing Summit.

Register to Attend

This is your opportunity to build relationships with fellow leaders in the sportfishing industry.

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