Advocacy Toolbox
Advocacy Toolbox
There are various ways ASA members can get involved with the issues that affect your business.

Join Our efforts To
We ask all our members and supporters to partner with us in being the voice of positive change for the sportfishing community.
ASA Member organizations and employees can directly communicate with policy-makers through the Keep America Fishing online portal. It’s simple and effective. That’s where our campaign to Keep America Fishing and our network of supporters comes into play. Through our online portal, ASA Member organizations and their employees can directly communicate with policy-makers.
Join us in our efforts by subscribing to updates, then taking action through our website.
Share the Conversations
Empower your communications staff, including social media managers, to share ASA and Keep America Fishing content through these channels and tell your customers how you are involved in the issues facing our industry on their behalf.
Feel free to also provide a direct link to the Action Center on your website.
Co-Brand Content
Our members can create co-branded posts for social media or reshare Keep America Fishing’s posts to amplify their effectiveness. ASA’s Social Media Manager Allen Luck can assist with this.

Partner with a Payer
Learn How Your Tax Money is Used
Through the federal excise tax on fishing equipment, ASA members directly contribute to the budgets of the government agencies in charge of fish and wildlife management. Learning more about how those agencies use these funds can build partnerships and a stronger sense of commitment to our nation’s conservation efforts.
Our members and supporters can meet with local fish and wildlife agency directors or fisheries management staff or send representatives along on an agency’s research or educational experience.
ASA can help make these visits and excursions happen. Contact ASA Vice President of Communications Mary Beth Long to learn more.
Spread the Word with Media Outlets
With newsrooms constantly shrinking and the digital news landscape rapidly evolving, it is more and more difficult for the outdoor industry to become noticed in the media. In order to tell the press how important fishing and boating are to the U.S. economy, YOU have to take the story to them. Demonstrating our community and impact on the country can help amplify our stories and opinions in the mainstream press.
This can be achieved by hosting media tours and press days at your facilities, coordinate product demo and media trips on the water and directly reaching out to the media for potential features and stories beyond generic press releases.
If you would like ASA’s assistance with this, please contact ASA Public Affairs Manager Rob Shane to learn more.

Invite Policy-Makers to Visit
Too often, legislators don’t fully grasp the scope of our industry — we are so much more than guides and outfitters. We are machinists, graphic-designers, sales people, and even accountants and lawyers.
You’re proud of the business you’ve built. Show off the products you make, the facilities you operate, and your hard-working staff. Help them understand your importance in their district.
ASA can help set this up. Contact Mike Leonard to learn more.
Get Your Employees Involved
Your employees are directly affected by the government relations efforts of ASA so it makes sense that they are the first line of action-takers in our advocacy efforts. To keep your business thriving, employees should be kept informed of the issues the industry faces.
Encourage your staff to sign up for Action Alerts and emails in our Advocacy Center.
Don’t hesitate to provide links to ASA news and updates in employee newsletters and internal communications!