Keep Florida Fishing

Join us in advocating for clean waters, abundant fisheries and access to both.

Keep Florida Fishing

Key Issues

  • SHARKED Act 

    New legislation focuses on addressing sharks eating anglers’ catch.  

  • Support Youth Fishing Programs

    Taking kids fishing just a few times creates a lifelong love of the sport!

  • Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

    FKNMS is developing a new General Management Plan (GMP) that could significantly impact fishing access and management of the Keys.

  • Man bottomfising for red snapper

    Protect Access to Bottomfishing in the South Atlantic

    Feds want to close bottom fishing in the South Atlantic.

  • Forage Fish

    To have healthy sportfish populations, there first must be a healthy food base. Simply put, big fish need plenty of little fish to eat.

  • Florida Coral Reefs

    An extensive coral disease outbreak began affecting the area in 2014 and continues to spread more rapidly northward from Miami-Dade County, but has also moved southward into the southern Florida Keys and Mexico.

Latest News

Economic Impacts of Recreational Fishing

These results report the economic contributions to the respective state economies from anglers who live within each congressional district. They do not represent the economic contributions that occur within any given district as a result of angler spending. For example, the presence or absence of a large manufacturing firm within a district is not reflected in the equipment spending by a district’s residents.