California Anglers – Please Lend Your Voice to the Opposition

Today, California’s state Senate Natural Resource Committee will take under consideration a sweeping bill – AB 3030 – that seeks to protect at least 30% of California’s lands and waters by 2030.

AB 3030’s language is misleading and ambiguous, setting the stage for unreasonable restrictions for recreational fishing. ASA, and our conservation partners, oppose the bill in its current, incomplete form.

To learn more about the bill, why it can’t move forward and why all California’s anglers need to act now, watch this message from ASA’s Pacific Fisheries Policy Director Danielle Cloutier.

For an industry perspective, please read this OpEd by Doug Lasko, Okuma Fishing’s president, in California Sportsman magazine.

Please share this link with your California contacts and customers.

Since it is still a state issue, only California residents may weigh in and are encouraged to do so here. ASAP, please!

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John Stillwagon