ASA Advocacy

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Keep America Fishing keeps you informed and provides tools for engaging in fisheries policy issues. We regularly send updates and calls-to-action and provide an easy path for reaching decision-makers in Congress, state capitols, and town halls around the country. In just a few clicks, you can influence positive change on sportfishing issues.


Advocating for access to fish, abundant fisheries and fair trade and commerce.

Take Action

Make your voice heard by staying informed of issues that affect anglers across the country.


Support our efforts to minimize access restrictions, promote clean waters and restore fish populations.


With 5 different sponsorship levels, there’s certainly a great fit for your business!

Advocating for clean water, abundant fisheries and access to both.


Take Action

Advocating for clean water, abundant fisheries and access to both.

Advocating for clean water, abundant fisheries and access to both.


Advocating for clean water, abundant fisheries and access to both.


Access to fishing is constantly under threat and, since 1933, the American Sportfishing Association has actively promoted and protected recreational fishing interests around the country.

Our successful government affairs team is further strengthened by Keep America Fishing (KAF)—ASA’s advocacy arm to influence positive change to fisheries management and advance sportfishing industry priorities.

ASA Supports

Keep America Fishing

  • Protects the rights of the American angler to sustainably fish on our nation’s waterways
  • Educates, creates awareness and rallies support of sportfishing priorities among policymakers at the national, state and regional level

  • Gives access to critical industry issues
  • Builds community and unites the voice of the sportfishing industry


  • Modern interactive website providing issue updates, an action center, and a specialized toolbox designed to build awareness, educate and activate anglers on issues that impact fishing and their respective fisheries

  • State of the art tools like Voter Voice – a grassroots advocacy platform – for influencing policymakers that need your vote

  • Specialized e-news and action alerts distributed to more than 600,000 engaged anglers and industry professionals that want to make a difference

  • Active digital and social media platforms that expand the reach of our industry
  • Templates, materials, graphics and kits for industry partners to amplify our message

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Thanks to these organizations that help us Keep America Fishing.

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Stay informed about the issues that affect anglers in your home state and across the country and influence policy by making your voice heard.