On May 13, 2019, the office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) released a list of imported Chinese products that, if imposed, would be subject to Section 301 tariffs of up to 25 percent.

This list of 3,805 products covers essentially all products imported from China not already subject to Section 301 additional tariffs. Information on previously announced tariffs can be found here.

The new list impacts many products imported from China by ASA’s members, including, but not limited to:

  • Fishing rods
  • Fish hooks
  • Fishing reels
  • Fishing line
  • Fishing leaders
  • Fish landing nets, butterfly nets and similar nets
  • Artificial baits and flies

ASA’s members are encouraged to review the new list to determine if any of your products not previously subject to additional tariffs may be impacted.

USTR will hold a public hearing on this proposal June 17, and requests to appear at this hearing are due June 10. Written comments, including input on the specific tariff levels that should be imposed and requests to exclude specific subheadings from the proposed tariff increase, are due June 17.

The tariff hike could be implemented any time after June 24, in any amount up to 25 percent, on top of the regular rate of duty.

If you have any questions, or for more information, please contact ASA Vice President of Government Affairs Mike Leonard at mleonard@asafishing.org

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John Stillwagon