This Wednesday, California’s legislature is considering a misleading, purposefully ambiguous bill – AB 3030 – that sets the stage for unreasonable restrictions on recreational fishing—a pastime beloved by Californians who spend approximately $2.4 billion on fishing outings each year.
The American Sportfishing Association and its partners oppose AB3030 in its current, incomplete form.
Your help is needed to help ensure that this bill in voted down in committee this Wednesday.
What You Can Do to Help
ASA is promoting an action alert, pasted below, for all California’s anglers to register their concerns with their State Senator.*
Please help us spread the word about this far-reaching bill by sharing this link with your California contacts and customers.
*Since this is a state issue – at this time only California residents may send the action message.

The bill that could “close the coast” – AB 3030 – is headed for an important committee vote this Wednesday.
Don’t wait. Tell your Senator to oppose AB 3030 in its current form.
This proposed law directs the state to consider new marine protected areas in which recreational fishing may be banned. These arbitrary closures would significantly impact your ability to access your favorite fishing areas.
While every angler understands the importance of conservation, California’s existing laws have already achieved this goal – and more!
Please contact your Senator today and urge them to oppose AB 3030 as it currently stands.
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