Water Diversion Plans Blocked in California – A Huge Win for SalmonJohn Stillwagon2020-05-13T15:56:30-04:00May 13, 2020|
Sportfishing Industry Sees Opportunities, Concerns in New Seafood Executive OrderJohn Stillwagon2020-05-08T16:29:27-04:00May 8, 2020|
Numerous Recreational Fishing Policy Priorities Addressed in Water Infrastructure BillJohn Stillwagon2020-04-29T14:37:59-04:00April 29, 2020|
Additional Federal Funding Provided for Small Business ReliefJohn Stillwagon2020-04-24T13:37:16-04:00April 24, 2020|
ASA Hosts COVID-19 Federal Response Webinar With Congressman Garret GravesJohn Stillwagon2020-05-04T15:59:26-04:00April 14, 2020|
New Guidance on SBA Paycheck Protection Loan Program and Employee Retention CreditJohn Stillwagon2020-04-03T14:45:01-04:00April 1, 2020|
Sportfishing Industry Asks Governors to Support Recreational FishingJohn Stillwagon2020-03-30T15:43:10-04:00March 30, 2020|
U.S. Senate Passes $2 Trillion COVID-19 Relief BillJohn Stillwagon2020-03-26T14:37:31-04:00March 26, 2020|
Letter to President Trump from the Outdoor Recreation Industry Regarding COVID-19John Stillwagon2020-03-20T19:25:14-04:00March 20, 2020|
Sportfishing Community Criticizes Maryland’s Approach to Striped Bass ManagementJohn Stillwagon2020-03-18T17:06:18-04:00March 18, 2020|
John Stillwagon2023-04-26T10:33:29-04:00American Sportfishing Association Urges Florida Senate to Enshrine Right to Hunt and Fish in Florida Constitution
John Stillwagon2023-07-27T14:26:46-04:00ASA Government Affairs Committee Highlights Our Industry on Capitol Hill
John Stillwagon2023-04-20T13:05:19-04:00Sportfishing Industry Supports Legislation Protecting the Use of Traditional Tackle
John Stillwagon2023-04-20T10:55:47-04:00ICAST Brings Global Recreational Fishing Trade to Orlando in July
John Stillwagon2023-04-19T11:31:27-04:00ASA Urges the Florida Legislature to Support the Rights of Anglers