California Proposes Changes to Prop 65’s Short Form WarningJohn Stillwagon2023-03-22T15:59:42-04:00March 22, 2021|
Sportfishing Industry Puts Support Behind Bipartisan Mine Restoration BillsJohn Stillwagon2023-01-04T14:54:07-05:00March 10, 2021|
Bipartisan Lawmakers Remain Committed to Modernizing the California Drift Gillnet FisheryJohn Stillwagon2023-01-04T14:54:08-05:00February 9, 2021|
Unprecedented Federal Investment for Salmon Recovery Proposed by Idaho CongressmanJohn Stillwagon2021-02-08T19:03:48-05:00February 8, 2021|
Paycheck Protection Program Loan Portal to Open to Small Lenders TodayJohn Stillwagon2021-01-15T14:38:44-05:00January 15, 2021|
The American Sportfishing Association Praises House Passage of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020John Stillwagon2020-12-08T20:29:56-05:00December 8, 2020|
More Atlantic Menhaden Will Help Rebuild the Iconic Striped Bass FisheryJohn Stillwagon2020-10-21T19:28:01-04:00October 21, 2020|
John Stillwagon2024-02-23T14:51:32-05:00Florida Lawmakers Recognized for Support of Right to Fish and Hunt Constitutional Amendment
Kate Wagstaff2024-02-09T17:12:20-05:00America’s Conservation Enhancement Reauthorization Act Includes Big Wins for Sportfishing