Alexandria, Va. – May 1, 2024 – Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed Congressman Rob Wittman’s Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act. Mike Leonard, Vice President of Government Affairs for the American Sportfishing Association, released the following statement:

Bans on traditional tackle put an undue financial burden on anglers and businesses and this important legislation will keep fishing both affordable and accessible for 54.5 million Americans who enjoy spending time on the water with family and friends. The sportfishing industry thanks Representative Rob Wittman, Chairman Bruce Westerman, and the 49 additional cosponsors for their support of the Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act (H.R. 615). Through yesterday’s House passage, Members showed their commitment to protecting the use of traditional fishing tackle, such as lead sinkers and jigs, on federal waters and following the best available science along with consulting state agencies before potentially enacting limitations on recreational fishing equipment. 

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