Omnibus Bill to Fund Government Includes California Drift Gillnet Modernization LegislationJohn Stillwagon2023-03-29T16:34:00-04:00December 20, 2022|
ASA President Glenn Hughes on the Negative Impact of NOAA’s Proposed Speed RestrictionsJohn Chambers2023-07-27T14:26:48-04:00December 15, 2022|
Virginia Marine Fisheries Commission Neglects Responsibility to Regulate Commercial Fishing in the Chesapeake BayMike Waine2023-03-29T16:34:41-04:00December 13, 2022|
More than Defense: ASA Priorities Included in NDAAConnor Bevan2023-03-29T16:35:29-04:00December 8, 2022|
Ken Haddad Represents ASA at Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council October MeetingJohn Chambers2023-03-29T16:36:11-04:00November 18, 2022|
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Meeting – Stripers and MenhadenMike Waine2023-03-29T16:36:58-04:00November 18, 2022|
USTR Accepting Public Comments on Section 301 China TariffsJohn Stillwagon2023-01-23T20:28:45-05:00November 15, 2022|
The Outdoor Recreation Economy Nears One Trillion in Economic OutputJohn Chambers2023-01-23T20:28:46-05:00November 10, 2022|
An Update From September’s Pacific Fishery Management Council MeetingLarry Phillips2023-01-04T14:49:59-05:00October 12, 2022|
John Stillwagon2024-05-31T11:28:06-04:00Empowering Anglers: ASA’s Fishing Share the Fun Campaign Aims to Spread Joy of Fishing Across Communities
John Stillwagon2024-05-09T15:27:42-04:00America’s Conservation Enhancement Reauthorization Act Passes U.S. Senate
John Stillwagon2024-05-01T13:14:33-04:00Sportfishing Industry Applauds Passage of Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act