ICAST 2023 Kicks Off with Record-Setting Demo Day and New Product ShowcaseJohn Stillwagon2023-07-13T15:48:39-04:00July 11, 2023|
American Sportfishing Association Elects Board of Directors MembersJohn Stillwagon2023-06-23T12:00:24-04:00June 23, 2023|
3 Ways to Stay in Front of Your Customers During Economic UncertaintyJohn Stillwagon2023-08-28T16:12:25-04:00June 16, 2023|
4 Can’t-Miss Benefits of Attending ICAST for Sportfishing RetailersJohn Stillwagon2023-08-28T16:13:37-04:00June 6, 2023|
How ICAST Provides Valuable Industry Connections and Visibility for Your Retail BrandJohn Stillwagon2023-08-28T16:14:33-04:00May 9, 2023|
ASA Government Affairs Committee Highlights Our Industry on Capitol HillJohn Stillwagon2023-07-27T14:26:46-04:00April 24, 2023|
ASA Selects New ICAST Registration and Hotel Reservations Service ProvidersJohn Stillwagon2023-01-23T20:28:40-05:00January 4, 2023|
ASA President Glenn Hughes on the Negative Impact of NOAA’s Proposed Speed RestrictionsJohn Chambers2023-07-27T14:26:48-04:00December 15, 2022|
Ken Haddad Represents ASA at Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council October MeetingJohn Chambers2023-03-29T16:36:11-04:00November 18, 2022|
Mike Waine2024-10-28T13:29:41-04:00Sportfishing Industry Reiterates Striped Bass Rebuilding Policy Priorities
Rob Shane2024-10-10T09:11:30-04:00Sportfishing Industry and Community Partners Release Policy Recommendations for the Future of Recreational Fishing
John Stillwagon2024-09-30T15:18:36-04:00ASA Expresses Sympathy and Support for Those Affected By Hurricane Helene
John Stillwagon2024-09-24T14:50:41-04:00ASA Highlights Legal Validation of Alternative Management Approaches for Recreational Fisheries